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Browse NYLS Journals

NYLS Journal of Human Rights

The New York Law School Journal of Human Rights was a publication dedicated to providing interdisciplinary scholarship in new and breaking areas of human rights law. The Journal was published between 1983 and 2003, when it combined forces with the NYLS Law Review.

NYLS Journal of International and Comparative Law

The New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law was a publication dedicated to providing scholarly views on international legal issues to broaden American perspectives and international understanding. The Journal was published between 1979 and 2003, when it combined forces with the NYLS Law Review.

NYLS Law Review

ISSN 0145-448X

The New York Law School Law Review is a journal of legal scholarship edited and published by students at NYLS. Under the guidance of faculty publisher Professor Michelle Zierler, the Law Review is led by an Editorial Board and assisted by Staff Editors and Junior Staff Editors to publish three issues per year. The Law Review also hosts symposia and events featuring scholars, professors, and practicing attorneys in the legal community. Our publication includes articles on the subject of our symposia, edited transcripts of symposia, and student writing in the form of Case Comments and Notes. All published work is subjected to a rigorous editorial process.