"Reception for Professor Ari Ezra Waldman’s PRIVACY AS TRUST: Informati" by New York Law School



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It seems like there is no such thing as privacy anymore, but the truth is that privacy is in danger only because we think about it in narrow, limited, and outdated ways. In this transformative work, Professor Ari Ezra Waldman, leveraging the notion that we share information with others in contexts of trust, offers a roadmap for data privacy law that will better protect our information in a digitized world.

Dean Anthony W. Crowell, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law Professor Frank Pasquale, a renowned expert in information law and policy, and Professor Waldman will debate and discuss Privacy as Trust. Please join the discussion on how we can make privacy work for all of us.

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Reception for Professor Ari Ezra Waldman’s PRIVACY AS TRUST: Information Privacy for an Information Age
