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Publication Date
Fall 2018
Technology has transformed much of ordinary communication into written rapid-ire shorthand. More time is devoted to tweets and emoji-laden texts, and less time is spent talking on the phone. Capitalization and proper punctuation are often abandoned in modern-day communication, and abbreviations such as FOMO, fear of missing out, and YOLO, you only live once, abound. First-year law students are experts in this new style of writing, adept at the grammar and punctuation shortcuts that pervade tweets and texts.
Recommended Citation
Su, Lynn, "Leaving the Land of Tweets, Texts, and Emojis: The Collaborative Writing Skills Assignment, a Vehicle for Reinforcing Grammar and Punctuation Rules" (2018). Articles & Chapters. 1695.
Second Draft, Vol. 31, Issue 2 (Fall 2018), pp. 35-37