Submissions from 2024
A New Hope: Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools Opens the Doors to Children with Disabilities, Richard D. Marsico
ASK THE PROFESSOR: Will the Recent Second Circuit Decision in SEC v. Govil Adversely Impact Future SEC Disgorgement Cases—Or Not?, Ronald Filler
Attentive Reading: A South African Example of Law in Context, Kris Franklin and Sarah E. Chinn
Centering Students’ Rights in Our Democracy: A Case Study from Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Samantha C. Pownall
Family Law and Children’s Educational Rights: Introduction & Acknowledgements, Lisa Grumet
Foreword | The Parkland School Shooter: Culpability and FASD, Michael L. Perlin
I Hope the Final Judgment’s Fair: Alternative Jurisprudences, Legal Decision-Making, and Justice, Michael L. Perlin
I Saw Guns and Sharp Swords in the Hands of Young Children: Why Mental Health Courts for Juveniles with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum/Disorder Are Needed, Michael L. Perlin, Heather Ellis Cucolo, and Deborah Dorfman
Public Confidence, Judges, and Politics on and off the Bench, Bruce Green and Rebecca Roiphe
Repealing Single-Family Zoning Is Not Enough: A Proposal for Removing Existing Parallel Private Covenants for Violating Public Policy, Gerald Korngold
Stop the Violence: A Taxonomy of Measures to Abolish Evictions, Andrew Scherer
The Intersection of Special Education and Family Law: Thoughts for Family Law Attorneys in Divorce and Custody Cases, Richard D. Marsico
Their Futures, So Full of Dread: How Barefoot's Contamination of the Death Penalty Trial Process Continues, Michael L. Perlin, Talia Roitberg Harmon, Maren Geiger, and Moana Houde-Camirand
Transitional Justice and Human Rights, Ruti G. Teitel and Valeria Vegh Weis
Submissions from 2023
A Fiduciary Theory of Progressive Prosecution, Bruce Green and Rebecca Roiphe
Alliance Defending Freedom asks SCOTUS to intervene in West Virginia trans sports case, Arthur S. Leonard
A Singular Disclosure Requirement Is Necessary For Patent Law, Shahrokh Falati
Ask The Professor—What Will Be the Impact of the Recent Fifth Circuit Decision in Clarke v. CFTC On Future CFTC No-Action Letters?, Ronald Filler
Depoliticizing Federal Prosecution, Bruce Green and Rebecca Roiphe
Federal Judge Denies Preliminary Injunction Against Idaho’s Bathroom Law, But Refuses to Dismiss Challenge, Arthur S. Leonard
Labor Trafficking, Melynda Barnhart
Law Professors’ Conceptualization and Use of Students’ Prior Knowledge and Experience in Developing Subject-Matter Understanding, Matthew Gewolb
Methodological Gerrymandering, David Simson
Mural Controversy, Richard H. Chused
New Fiduciary Decisions: Monthly Account Statements are Sufficient to Begin Running of Statute of Limitations, William P. LaPiana
NEW FIDUCIARY DECISIONS: No-Contest Clauses and the Untimely Challenge, William P. LaPiana
Pass the Salt: Problem Resolution Lawyering Across the 21st Century Law Curriculum, Kris Franklin and F. Peter Phillips
Preface: New Directions in Prosecutorial Reform, Miriam Aroni Krinsky, Justin Murray, and Maybell Romero
Quantum Copyright Law: Schrodinger's Cat, Banksy's Shredder, and Art on the Edge, Richard H. Chused
Randomness, AI Art, and Copyright, Richard H. Chused
Redress for Wrongful Convictions: A Response to Professor Medwed, Justin Murray
Reflections on South Africa's First Black Chief Justice, Ismail Mahomed, Penelope Andrews
Same-Sex Family Recognition and Anti- Discrimination Law: A Free Speech Battleground, Arthur S. Leonard
Spendthrift Provision Prevails Over Beneficiaries' Consents to Self-Dealing by a Beneficiary-Trustee, William P. LaPiana
Take the Motherless Children off the Street: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the Criminal Justice System, Michael L. Perlin and Heather Ellis Cucolo
The Justice Archive: Transitional Justice and Digital Memory, Iavor Rangelov and Ruti G. Teitel
The Timeless Explosion of Fantasy's Dream: How State Courts Have Ignored the Supreme Court's Decision in Panetti v. Quarterman, Michael L. Perlin, Talia Roitberg Harmon, and Maren Geiger
Transcript - Civil Liberties: The Next 100 Years, Susan Herman, Erwin Chemerinsky, Ellis Cose, Anthony Romero, and Nadine Strossen
Two Killings, One Common Problem: Deaths of Homeless Men Jordan Neely and Charles Brito Shows They Were Failed, Anna G. Cominsky '05
Submissions from 2022
ABA Model Rule 8.4(g), Discriminatory Speech, and the First Amendment, Bruce Green and Rebecca Roiphe
A Commission on Recognition and Reconstruction for the United States: Illusory or Inspirational?, Penelope Andrews
A Judicially Manageable Test to Restore Accountability, David Schoenbrod
Anti-speech Acts and the First Amendment, Richard K. Sherwin
A Tribute to the Scholarship of Professor Dale Oesterle, Jeffrey J. Haas
But I Ain’t a Judge: The Therapeutic Jurisprudence Implications of the Use of Nonjudicial Officers in Criminal Justice Cases, Michael L. Perlin
Capacity to Make and Revoke a Will - Legal Commentary, Marc S. Bekerman
Charts 2020: Family Law in the Fifty States, D.C., and Puerto Rico, Part 2: Family Law during COVID-19: Practical Responses and Systemic Innovations, Shelby Arenson and Lisa Grumet
Civic Anemia: Law Schools Should Give Boosters to Counter its Effects, Anthony W. Crowell
Co-Parenting during Lockdown: COVID-19 and Child Custody Cases before the Vaccine, New York Law School Family Law Quarterly Editors
Eviscerating Patent Scope, Shahrokh Falati
Family Law Trailblazers: Acknowledgments, Lisa Grumet
Family Law Trailblazers: Introduction, Lisa Grumet
Feminist Legal Theory and #MeToo: Revisiting Tarana Burke's Vision of Empowerment through Empathy, Penelope Andrews
Griggs v. Duke Power Co., Angela Onwuachi-Willig and David Simson
Hope Dies Last: The Progressive Potential and Regressive Reality of the Antibalkanization Approach to Racial Equality, David Simson
How to Bring Your Kids Up Queer: Family Law Realism, Then and Now, Kris Franklin and Noa Ben-Asher
Impeaching Legal Ethics, Bruce Green and Rebecca Roiphe
In Memoriam: The Honorable Robert A. Katzmann, Anthony W. Crowell
"Insanity Is Smashing up against My Soul": The Fifth Circuit and Competency to Be Executed Cases after Panetti v. Quarterman, Michael L. Perlin and Talia Roitberg Harmon
Justice Ginsburg’s Legacy: Promoting All Fundamental Freedoms for All People Through Strategic Alliances and Incremental Reform, Nadine Strossen
Killing Rarity, Shahrokh Falati
Law and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America, Frank W. Munger and Carroll Seron
Law's Tacit Dimension: Audiovisual Proof of Incitement in the Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump, Richard Sherwin
Lawyering 'Twisties': Naming and Untangling Performance Anxiety, Heidi K. Brown
Lawyers and the Lies They Tell, Bruce Green and Rebecca Roiphe
Lawyer Training Shouldn't Be One Size Fits All, Heidi K. Brown
Making Me Ill: Environmental Racism and Justice as Disability, Britney Wilson
Meditations on Teaching What Isn't: Theorizing the Invisible in Law and Law School, Kris Franklin
Metasoftware: Building Blocks for Legal Technology, Houman Shadab
Most Favored Racial Hierarchy: The Ever-Evolving Ways of the Supreme Court's Superordination of Whiteness, David Simson
New Fiduciary Decisions: Attorney-in-Fact Must be Expressly Authorized to Create a Trust, William P. LaPiana
Private and Public Sector Models for Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner, and Investor Immigration Pathways, Shane Dizon
Prosecutorial Nonenforcement and Residual Criminalization, Justin Murray
Prosecutorial Nonenforcement and Residual Criminalization, Justin Murray
Race Across the Curriculum: A Team-Taught Course on Law and Race in America, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Race and the Law: The Visible and the Invisible, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Reconstructing the Ethics Code to Remedy the Failures of Strickland v. Washington, Heather Ellis Cucolo
Seeing Immigration and Structural Racism: It's Where You Put Your Eyes, Lenni Benson
Sex, Stamina, and Politics, Richard H. Chused
Sovereign Imaginaries: Visualizing the Sacred Foundation of Law’s Authority, Richard K. Sherwin
Strategic Thinking About Racism in American Zoning, Richard H. Chused
The Case Against Summary Eviction Proceedings: Process as Racism and Oppression, Andrew Scherer
The Distant Ships of Liberty: Why Criminology Needs to Take Seriously International Human Rights Laws that Apply to Persons with Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin, Alison Lynch, Kelly Frailing, and Ashley Juneau
The Exclusion of Public Legal Education from Mandatory and Aspirational State Pro Bono Service Requirements, Amy Wallace
The Intersection of Race, Wealth, and Special Education: The Role of Structural Inequities in the IDEA, Richard D. Marsico
The Racial Wealth Gap and the Tax Benefits of Homeownership, Ann F. Thomas
The Year 2021 in Review: Editor's Note, Lisa Grumet
Trauma-Informed Forensic Mental Health Assessment: Practical Implications, Ethical Tensions, and Alignment with Therapeutic Jurisprudence Principles, Julie Goldenson, Stanley Brodsky, and Michael L. Perlin
Submissions from 2021
A Body’s Work: On Self and Peer Education as a Black Disabled Lawyer, Britney Wilson
Access Denied: How 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1915(g) Violates the First Amendment Rights of Indigent Prisoners, Molly Guptill Manning
Ask the Professor—How Did the Fifth Circuit Interpret the “Investor Benefit” Requirement Governing Disgorgements in Blackburn, Ronald Filler
Book Review: Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded Together in World War II Europe by Kathy Peiss, Molly Guptill Manning
Caring for the Souls of Our Students: The Evolution of a Community Economic Development Clinic During Turbulent Times, Gowri Krishna, Kelly Pfeifer, and Dana Thompson
Commentary on Gruen v. Gruen, Richard H. Chused