Submissions from 2015
Obergefell v. Hodges: Legal Bases, Clashing Views, Open Questions, William LaPiana
One Significant Step: How Reforms to Prison Districts Begin to Address Political Inequality, Erika L. Wood
Privacy as Trust: Sharing Personal Information in a Networked World, Ari Ezra Waldman
Private Regimes in the Public Sphere: Optimizing the Benefits of Common Interest Communities, Gerald Korngold
Redefining Professionalism, Rebecca Roiphe
Reducing Secrecy: Balancing Legitimate Government Interests with Public Accountability, Nadine Strossen
Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the March and the Speech: History, Memory, Values, Edward A. Purcell, Jr.
Stem Cell Patents after the America Invents Act, Jacob S. Sherkow and Christopher Scott
Still Fighting after All These Years: Minority Voting Rights 50 Years after the March on Washington, Deborah N. Archer
Tax Aspects of Credit Agreements: The Lender’s Perspective, Alan Appel and Jessica Edwards
Thailand's Cause Lawyers and Twenty-First Century Military Coups: Nation, Identity, and Conflicting Visions of the Rule of Law, Frank W. Munger
The Clinical Year Begins, Stephen Ellmann
The Flash Crash Case Against Sarao—Will The CFTC Prevail?, Ronald Filler and J Markham
The Government Strikes Back - New IRS Notice Strengthens Anti-Inversion Rules, Alan Appel
The History of Patenting Genetic Material, Jacob S. Sherkow and Henry T. Greely
The Practice Value of Experiential Legal Education: An Examination of Enrollment Patterns, Course Intensity, and Career Relevance, Margaret Reuter and Joanne M. Ingham
The Price of Equal Justice: How Establishing a Right to Counsel for People Who Face Losing Their Homes Helps Tackle Economic Inequality, Andrew Scherer
There's a Dyin Voice Within Me Reaching Out Somewhere: How TJ Can Bring Voice to the Teaching of Mental Disability Law and Criminal Law, Michael L. Perlin
Tilting at Stratification: Against a Divide in Legal Education, Rebecca Roiphe
Too Late for Thinking: The Curious Quest for Emancipatory Potential in Meaningless Affect and Some Jurisprudential Implications, Richard Sherwin
Trafficking in Law: Cause Lawyer, Bureaucratic State and Rights of Human Trafficking Victims in Thailand, Frank W. Munger
Transitional Justice and Judicial Activism— A Right to Accountability?, Ruti Teitel
What Are the Article III Limits to Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction, and Can Parties Consent to Expanded Jurisdiction: Wellness International Network v. Sharif (13-935), Marshall E. Tracht
When Rights Work: Fragile Networks, Improbable Discourses and Unpredictable Globalizations of Law - A Contemporary Thai Case Study, Frank W. Munger
You Might Have Drugs at Your Command: Reconsidering the Forced Drugging of Incompetent Pre-Trial Detainnes from the Perspectives of International Human Rights and Income Inequality, Michael L. Perlin and Meredith Schriver
Submissions from 2014
A Champion for African Freedom: Paul Robeson and the Struggle Against Apartheid, Penelope Andrews
All His Sexless Patients: Persons with Mental Disabilities and the Competence to Have Sex, Michael L. Perlin and Alison Lynch
Ask the Professor: Did the 7th Circuit Properly Rule in Sentinel II?, Ronald H. Filler
Ask the Professor: Did the European Court of Justice Properly Rule By Dismissing the U.K.'s Attempt to Annul ESMA's Regulation Banning Short Selling?, Ronald H. Filler
Ask the Professor: What is the Impact of the Recent D.C. District Court's Decision in SIFMA et al. v. CFTC on the CFTC's Cross-Border Guidance, Ronald H. Filler and Elizabeth Ritter
Backlash and Marriage Equality, Arthur S. Leonard
Bitcoin Financial Regulation: Securities, Derivatives, Prediction Markets, and Gambling, Jerry Brito, Houman B. Shadab, and Andrea Castillo
Book Review of Theunis Roux’s “The Politics of Principle: The First South African Constitutional Court 1995-2005, Stephen Ellmann
Can a Debtor’s Exemption Assets Be Surcharged as a Sanction for Misconduct?, Marshall E. Tracht
Collective or Individual Benefits?: Measuring the Educational Benefits of Race-Conscious Admissions Programs, Deborah N. Archer
Conservation Easements and the Development of New Energies: Fracking, Wind Turbines, and Solar Collection, Gerald Korngold
Converting Benchslaps to Backslaps: Instilling Professional Accountability in New Legal Writers by Teaching and Reinforcing Context, Heidi K. Brown
Cross-Judging Revisited, Robert Howse and Ruti Teitel
Deals or No Deals: Integrating Transactional Skills in the First Year Curriculum, Lynnise E. Pantin
Democracy, The Consitution, and Legal Positivism in America: Lessons from a Winding and Troubled History, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Dialogues of Transitional Justice: Keynote Speech, Ruti Teitel
Dream Vignettes, Richard Chused
Dr. Seuss as a Vehicle: An Introduction, Richard Chused
Empathy and Reasoning in Context: Thinking About Anti-Gay Bullying, Kris Franklin
Exclusion, Punishment, Racism, and Our Schools: A Critical Race Theory Perspective on School Discipline, David Simson
Forget Roger Rabbit - Is Corporate Purpose being Framed?, Tamara C. Belinfanti
'Friend to the Martyr, a Friend to the Woman of Shame': Thinking About the Law, Shame and Humiliation, Michael L. Perlin and Naomi Weinstein
If We Only Knew What We Know: Open Regulatory Review at the FDA (Policy Essay), Beth Simone Noveck
Improving Hedge Fund Governance, Houman B. Shadab
Improving Hedge Fund Governance, Houman B. Shadab
Introducing October 3, 1913, Ann F. Thomas
Introduction - In Search of Common Ground on Abortion: From Culture War to Reproductive Justice, Justin Murray, Meredith Esser, and Robin West
Introduction to Freedom of Choice at the End of Life: Patients' Rights in a Shifting Legal and Political Landscape, Peter J. Strauss
Law in the Flesh: Tracing Legitimation's Origin to The Act of Killing?, Richard Sherwin
Married Same-Sex Couples Living in Non-Recognition States: A Primer, William P. LaPiana
Mortgage Lending: When Does a Borrower's Right to Rescind a Mortgage Loan under the Truth in Lending Act Expire: Jesinoski v. Countrywide Home Loans (13-684) [notes], Marshall E. Tracht
Myriad Stands Alone, Jacob S. Sherkow and Christopher T. Scott
Paradoxes of Court-Centered Legal History: Some Values of Historical Understanding for a Practical Legal Education, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Performance-Sensitive Debt: From Asset-Based Loans to Startup Financing, Houman B. Shadab
Preface: Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence and Contemporary American Legal Education, Tai-Heng Cheng
Preliminary Injunctions Post-Mayo and Myriad, Jacob S. Sherkow
Preventing End Runs around the Dividend Withholding Regime: Treasury’s Revised Regulations under Section 871(m) and the New Delta Test, Alan Appel and Gregory J. Galvin
Revolution Imagined: Cause Advocacy, Consumer Rights, and the Evolving Role of NGOs in Thailand, Frank W. Munger
Semi-Wonderful Town, Semi-Wonderful State: Bill Nelson's New York The Making of a Legal Historian: Reassessing the Work of William E. Nelson, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Shareholder Cultivation and New Governance, Tamara Belinfanti
Textualism and the Bill of Rights The Federalist Society National Lawyer's Convention - 2013, Nadine Strossen
The Forgotten Promise of Professionalism, Rebecca Roiphe
The Geography of Marriage, William P. LaPiana
The Legal Culture of Appropriation Art: The Future of Copyright in the Remix Age, Richard H. Chused
The Natural Complexity of Patent Eligibility, Jacob S. Sherkow
The Origin: Opening Remarks to Exploring Civil Society Through the Writings of Dr. Seuss, Tamara C. Belinfanti
The Seussian Dead Hand: Concluding Remarks to Exploring Civil Society Through the Writings of Dr. Seuss, Doni Gewirtzman
Two South African Men of the Law Constitutional Conflict and Development: Perspectives from South Asia and Africa, Stephen Ellmann
We Have a Dream, David Schoenbrod
Submissions from 2013
Alternatives for Scheduling the Bar, Mary Campbell and Carol A. Buckler
And How: Mayo v. Prometheus and the Method of Invention, Jacob S. Sherkow
Ask the Professor: How Will The Seventh Circuit Rule In Sentinel II?, Ronald H. Filler
A Tale of Three Hoaxes: When Literature Offends the Law, Molly Guptill Manning
'Baton Bullying': Understanding Multi-Aggressor Rotation in Anti-Harassment Cases, Kris Franklin
Does Humanity Law Require (or Imply) A Progressive Theory of History? (And Other Questions for Martti Koskenniemi), Robert Howse and Ruti Teitel
Due Process in Islamic Criminal Law, Sadiq Reza
Durkheim's Internet: Social and Political Theory in Online Society, Ari Ezra Waldman
FCC Ancillary Jurisdiction over Internet and Broadband, Michael Botein
Federal Trade Commission v. Actavis, Inc. and Reverse-Payment or Pay-for-Delay Settlements, Jacob S. Sherkow
Filling in the Blanks, William P. LaPiana
Foreword: Supreme Court Narratives: Law, History, and Journalism, James F. Simon
Fostering the Human Rights of Youth in Foster Care: Defining Reasonable Efforts to Improve Consequences of Aging out, Ramesh Kasarabada
From the Particular to the General: Three Federal Rules and the Jurisprudence of the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Governmental Conservation Easements: A Means to Advance Efficiency, Freedom from Coercion, Flexibility, and Democracy, Gerald Korngold
Hedge Fund Governance, Houman B. Shadab
Humanity Bounded and Unbounded: The Regulation of External Self-Determination under International Law, Robert Howse and Ruti G. Teitel
In the System: Facilitating the Reunification of the Child and the Parents through Religion, Cherie Nicole Brown
Introduction of the Panelists: The Untold Secrets of Eagle Street (Symposium), Penelope Andrews, Vincent Martin Bonventre, Patrick M. Connors, Rosemary Queenan, Michael J. Hutter, and Donna E. Young
Introduction: Trial by Jury or Trial by Motion? Summary Judgment, Iqbal, and Employment Discrimination, Arthur S. Leonard
John Brown Went Off to War: Considering Veterans’ Courts as Problem-Solving Courts, Michael L. Perlin
Marini v. Ireland: Protecting Low Income Renters by Judicial Shock Therapy, Richard H. Chused
Marriage Rights and the Good Life: A Sociological Theory of Marriage and Constitutional Law, Ari Ezra Waldman
Mezzanine Debt and Preferred Equity in Real Estate, Andrew R. Berman