Submissions from 2008
Breaking the Logjam: Environmental Reform for the New Congress and Administration, Carol A. Herman, David Schoenbrod, Richard B. Stewart, and Katrina M. Wyman
Constitutional Law and Values - Version '08 (Not Necessarily and Upgrade), Nadine Strossen
Constitutional Overview of Post-9/11 Barriers to Free Speech and a Free Press, Nadine Strossen
Disney Examined; A Case Study in Corporate Governance and CEO Succession, Lawrence Lederman
Failing Students or Failing Schools?: Holding States Accountable for the High School Dropout Crisis, Deborah N. Archer
Fending for Themselves: Creating a U.S. Hedge Fund Market for Retail Investors, Houman B. Shadab
Foreword, Corporate Governance Five Years After Sarbanes-Oxley: Is There Real Change, Faith Stevelman
From John F. Kennedy’s 1960 Campaign Speech to Christian Supremacy: Religion in Modern Presidential Politics, Stephen A. Newman
Global Finance, Business and Human Rights, Faith Stevelman
Humanity Law: A New Interpretive Lens on the International Sphere, Ruti Teitel
Hybrid Class Actions, Dual Certification, and Wage Law Enforcement in the Federal Courts, Andrew Brunsden
I Might Need a Good Lawyer, Could be Your Funeral, My Trial: Global Clinical Legal Education and the Right to Counsel in Civil Commitment Cases, Michael L. Perlin
Incorporating International Human Rights Law in National Constitutions: The South African Experience, Penelope Andrews
Innovation and Corporate Governance: The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley, Houman B. Shadab
International Legal Practice Involving England and New York Following Adoption of the United Kingdom Legal Services Act of 2007, Sydney M. Cone III.
Introduction, Arthur S. Leonard
Introduction: Law and Rights: Global Perspectives on Constitutionalism and Governance, Penelope Andrews and Susan Bazilli
Killing Them Softly: Meditations on a Painful Punishment of Death, Robert I. Blecker
Lost in Translation: Some Brief Notes on Writing about Law for the Layperson, Brandt Goldstein
Obtaining a Full Step-Up in Basis for Jointly Held Property Between Spouses, William P. LaPiana and Marc S. Bekerman
See Erie: Critical Study of Legal Authority, Kris Franklin
Simplify You, Classify You: Stigma, Stereotypes and Civil Rights in Disability Classification Systems, Michael L. Perlin
Terrorism’s Toll on Civil Liberties, Nadine Strossen
Terrorism, the Constitution, and Individual Liberties Lecture 20, Nadine Strossen
The Class Action Fairness Act in Perspective: the Old and the New in Federal Jurisdictional Reform, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
The Courts, Federalism and the Federal Constitution, 1920-2000, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
The Road Not Considered: Revising New Jersey's Death Penalty Statute, Robert Blecker
Through the Wild Cathedral Evening: Barrier, Attitudes, Participatory Democracy, Professor tenBroek, and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin
Through the Wild Cathedral Evening: Barriers, Attitudes, Participatory Democracy, Professor TenBroek, and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin
Through the Wild Cathedral Evening: Barriers, Attitudes, Participatory Democracy, Professor tenBroek, and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin
Tolling for the Luckless, the Abandoned and Forsaked: Community Safety, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and International Human Rights Law As Applied to Prisoners and Detainees, Michael L. Perlin and Astrid Birgden
War Powers Under the South African Constitution, Stephen J. Ellmann
Was the Supreme Court Really Wearing Shining Armor? A Hard Day's Knight for Trusts and Estates, Marc S. Bekerman
Writing About the Law, Jethro K. Lieberman
Submissions from 2007
Ain't No Goin' Back: Teaching Mental Disability Law Courses Online, Michael L. Perlin
An Internet-Based Mental Disability Law Program: Implications for Social Change in Nations with Developing Economies, Michael L. Perlin
"Big Love"'? The Recognition of Customary Marriages in South Africa, Penelope Andrews
But Did They Listen? The New Jersey Death Penalty Commission's Exercise in Abolitionism: A Detailed Reply, Robert Blecker
Canadian Softwood Lumber and Free Trade under NAFTA, Sydney M. Cone III.
Class Action Fairness Act in Perspective: The Old and the New in Federal Jurisdictional Reform, The Symposium: Fairness to Whom - Perspectives on the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Compulsory Licensing vs. Private Negotiations in Peer-to-Peer File Sharing, Michael Botein and Edward Samuels
Constitutional Reform, Legal Consciousness, and Citizen Participation in Thailand, Frank W. Munger
Culture, Power, and Law: Thinking About the Anthropology of Rights in Thailand in and Era of Globalization, Frank W. Munger
Democracy Stops at My Front Door: Obstacles to Gender Equality in South Africa, Penelope Andrews
Endless Emergency: The Case of Egypt, Sadiq Reza
Essential Steps after Finishing the Estate Plan - Part 1 - Pre-mortem Planning, John J. Reddy Jr. and Marc S. Bekerman
Evolution and the Holy Ghost of Scopes: Can Science Lose the Next Round?, Stephen A. Newman
From Status to Contract and Back again: Consent Decrees in Institutional Reform Litigation Injunction, David Schoenbrod
Going Private at the Intersection of the Market and the Law, Faith Stevelman
International Human Rights and Comparative Mental Disability Law: The Universal Factors, Michael L. Perlin
Introduction (Symposium: Perspectives on Post-Conflict Constitutionalism), Ruti G. Teitel
Introduction (Symposium: Seeking Review: Immigration Law and Federal Court Jurisdiction), Lenni B. Benson
Law in the Plays of Elmer Rice, Randolph N. Jonakait
Law, Metaphysics, and the New Iconoclasm Passing On: Images, Richard K. Sherwin
Learning to Love After Learning to Harm: Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Gender Equality and Cultural Values, Penelope Andrews
Militating Democracy: Comparative Constitutional Perspectives, Ruti Teitel
Moving Beyond Strict Scrutiny: The Need for a More Nuanced Standard of Protection Analysis for K through 12 Integration Programs, Deborah N. Archer
Nervine' and Knavery: The Life and Times of Dr. Miles Medical Company, Rudolph J.R. Peritz
Only a Sith Thinks Like That: Llewellyn's Dueling Canons, Eight to Twelve, Michael B.W. Sinclair
Peer to Peer Meets the World of Legal Information: Encountering a New Paradigm, Ethan Katsh and Beth Simone Noveck
Precedent, Super-Precedent, Michael B.W. Sinclair
Regulation of Municipal Wi-Fi, Michael Botein
Resolving the Intergenerational Conflicts in Real Property Law: Preserving Free Markets and Personal Autonomy for Future Generations, Gerald Korngold
Risks and Realities of Mezzanine Loans, Andrew R. Berman
Solving the Contentious Issues of Private Conservation Easements: Promoting Flexibility for the Future and Engaging the Public Land Use Process, Gerald Korngold
Taiwan and the United Nations: Historical and Policy Perspectives, Lung-chu Chen
The Challenge of Hedge Fund Regulation, Houman B. Shadab
The Failure of Innocent Spouse Reform, Richard C.E. Beck
The (Futile) Search for a Common Law Right of Confrontation: Beyond Brasier's Irrelevance to (Perhaps) Relevant American Cases, Randolph N. Jonakait
The Higher Cost of Being African-American or Latino: Subprime Home Mortgage Lending in New York City, 2004-2005, Richard D. Marsico
The Modern-Day Poll Tax: How Economic Sanctions Block Access to the Polls, Erika L. Wood and Neema Trivedi
The Racial Implications of Tort Reform, Joanne Doroshow and Amy Widman
The Rule of Law and the Military Commission, Stephen J. Ellmann
The Two Hemispheres of Legal Education and the Rise and Fall of Local Law Schools, Randolph N. Jonakait
Thinking beyond the Shown: Implicit Inferences in Evidence and Argument, Neal Feigenson
Torture and Islamic Law, Sadiq Reza
Treble Damages in National Health Service Corps Contracts, Public Policy, and Hawronsky v. Commissioner, Richard C.E. Beck
Unsettled Expectations: Reflections on Four Views of the Common Law and the Environment Symposium: Common Law Environmental Protection, David Schoenbrod
Using Shakespeare to Teach Persuasive Advocacy, Stephen A. Newman
Welcome Remarks Left out in the Cold - The Chilling of Speech, Association, and the Press in Post-9/11 America September 20-21, 2007: Foreword, Nadine Strossen
What is Visual Knowledge, and What is it Good for? Potential Ethnographic Lessons from the Field of Legal Practice, Richard Sherwin, Neal Feingenson, and Christina Speisel
Wikipedia and the Future of Legal Education, Beth Simone Noveck
You Can’t Get There From Here: Managing Judicial Review of Immigration Cases, Lenni B. Benson
Submissions from 2006
A Poster Child for Us (Symposium: The Effects of Capital Punishment on the Administration of Justice), Robert Blecker
Comparative Constitutionalism and Rights: Global Perspectives, Penelope Andrews
Compulsory Licenses in Peer-to-Peer File Sharing: A Workable Solution?, Michael Botein and Edward Samuels
Courtroom Applications of Virtual Environments, Immersive Virtual Environments, and Collaborative Virtual Environments., Jeremy Bailenson, Jim Blascovich, Andrew Beall, and Beth Simone Noveck
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Classification of Children With Disabilities: Part II. Implementing Classification Systems in Schools, Margaret J. McLaughlin, Alan Dyson, Katherine Nagle, Martha Turlow, Martyn Rouse, Michael Hardman, Brahm Norwich, Philip Burke, and Michael L. Perlin
Dependency by Law: Poverty, Identity, and Welfare Privatization, Frank W. Munger
EPA's Faustian Bargain, The Environment, David Schoenbrod
Evolving Understandings of American Federalism: Some Shifting Parameters, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Gender Stereotyping: Expanding the Boundaries of Title VII: Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting, Association of American Law Schools, Section on Employment Discrimination Law, Michelle A. Travis, Arthur S. Leonard, Joann Williams, and Mirriam Cherry
Hepatitis C in Prisons: Evolving toward Decency through Adequate Medical Care and Public Health Reform, Andrew Brunsden