Submissions from 1978
Ashbacker Rites in Administrative Practice: A Case Study of Broadcast Regulation., Jacob W. Mayer and Michael Botein
Contemporary Dilemmas of the Javins Defense: A Note on the Need for Procedural Reform in Landlord-Tenant Law, Richard H. Chused
Human Rights and World Public Order, Lung-chu Chen
Human Rights and World Public Order: Human Rights in Comprehensive Context, Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Simultaneous Representation: Transaction Resolution in the Adversary System, James Hagy
Young Adults As a Cognizable Group in Jury Selection, Donald H. Zeigler
Submissions from 1977
Can Distraint Stand Up as a Landlord’s Remedy?, Gerald Korngold
Faretta and the Personal Defense: The Role of a Represented Defendant in Trial Tactics, Richard H. Chused
If We Can't Teach Our Students to Write... Let's Examine Some Alternatives That May Have a Chance to Work, Michael Botein
Legal Status of the Psychologist in the Courtroom, Michael L. Perlin
New Copyright Act & Cable Television: A Signal of Change, Michael Botein
State Environmental Quality Review Act, Ross Sandler
The Aggregate Interest in Shared Respect and Human Rights: The Harmonization of Public Order and Civic Order, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Relativity of Injury, Jethro K. Lieberman
The Social Setting of Human Rights: The Process of Deprivation and Non-Fulfillment of Values, Myers McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Submissions from 1976
Accommodation of the Younger Doctrine and the Duty of the Federal Courts to Enforce Constitutional Safeguards In the State Criminal Process, Donald H. Zeigler
Alexander M. Bickel and the Post-Realist Constitution, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Freedom from Discrimination in Choice of Language and International Human Rights, Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Introduction: Environmental Law Section, Second Circuit Review, 1974–75 Term, Ross Sandler
Legal Implications of Behavior Modification Programs, Michael L. Perlin
Primary Jurisdiction: The Need for Better Court/Agency Interaction, Michael Botein
Rights of the Mentally Handicapped, Michael L. Perlin
Right to Voluntary, Compensated, Therapeutic Work as Part of the Right to Treatment: A New Theory in the Aftermath of Souder, Michael L. Perlin
The Human Rights of the Aged: An Application of the General Norm of Nondiscrimination, Myers McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Protection of Aliens from Discrimination and World Public Order: Responsibility of States Conjoined with Human Rights, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Right to Religious Freedom and World Public Order: The Emerging Norms of Nondiscrimination, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Role of the Lawyer in Mental Health Advocacy, Michael L. Perlin
Will Courts Meet the Challenge of Technology?, Jethro K. Lieberman
Submissions from 1975
Case and Materials on Federal Regulation of the Electronic Media, Michael Botein
Citizen Participation in the Regulation of Cable Television, Michael Botein
Foreign Lawyers in France and New York, Sydney M. Cone III.
Human Rights for Women and World Public Order: The Outlawing of Sex-Based Discrimination, Myres McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Non-Conforming Political Opinion and Human Rights: Transnational Protection against Discrimination, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Psychiatric Testimony in a Criminal Setting, Michael L. Perlin
The Protection of Respect and Human Rights: Freedom of Choice and World Public Order, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Submissions from 1974
Collective Bargaining in Major Orchestras, Arthur S. Leonard
Coordinated Bargaining with Multinational Firms by American Labor Unions, Arthur S. Leonard
Cops and Rebels: A Study of Provocation [Book Review], Michael L. Perlin
Copyrights: Introduction, Michael Botein
Nationality and Human Rights: The Protection of the Individual in External Arenas, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Simulation and Role Playing in Administrative Law, Michael Botein
The FCC’s Restrictions on Employee’s Publications: A Failure of Communication., Michael Botein
The Right to Rehabilitation for Prisoners-Judicial Reform of the Correctional Process, Peter Dwyer and Michael Botein
Submissions from 1973
Argument for Social Planning, An Book Review, Arthur S. Leonard
Banks and the National Labor Policy, Arthur S. Leonard
Book Review: The Meaning of Criminal Insanity, Michael L. Perlin
Clearing the Airwaves for Access, Michael Botein
Electricity or the Environment: A Study of Public Regulation Without Public Control, Clifford P. Case III and David Schoenbrod
Expulsion and Expatriation in International Law: The Right to Leave, to Stay and to Return: A Panel, Lung-chu Chen
Public Sector Grievance Arbitration: Right or Privilege Commentary, Arthur S. Leonard
The Ventilation of the President, 1972: Political Broadcasting Under the Campaign Communications Reform Act, Michael Botein
Submissions from 1972
Access to Cable Television, Michael Botein
AFL-CIo's First National Campaign, The, Arthur S. Leonard
Communications Law, Michael Botein
Comparative Broadcast Licensing Procedures and the Role of Law: A Fuller Investigation, Michael Botein
Juvenile Court Process: A Study of Three New Jersey Counties, The, Richard H. Chused
The Refuse Act of 1899: Key to Clean Water, Ross Sandler
Who Owns Taiwan: A Search for International Title, Lung-chu Chen and W.M Reisman
Wolfgang Friedmann: 1907-1972, Michael Botein
Submissions from 1971
Consumer Sensitivity to Interest Rates: An Empirical Study of New-Car Buyers and Auto Loans, James J. White and Frank W. Munger
The Constitutionality of Restrictions on Poverty Law Firms: A New York Case Study., Michael Botein
Submissions from 1970
Appointed Counsel for the Indigent Civil Defendant: A Constitutional Right Without a Judicial Remedy., Michael Botein
Cafeteria Workers Revisited: Does the Commander Have Plenary Power to Control Access to his Base?, Jethro K. Lieberman
Cafeteria Workers Revisited: Does the Commander Have Plenary Power to Control Access to his Base?, Jethro K. Lieberman
CATV Regulation: A Jumble of Jurisdictions, Michael Botein
How to Talk Back to Your Television Set, Michael Botein
The FCC’s Proposed CATV Regulations, Michael Botein
Submissions from 1969
American Jurisprudence Between the Wars: Legal Realism and the Crisis of Democratic Theory, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Do Art Exhibitions Destroy Common-law Copyright in Works of Art, Randolph N. Jonakait
Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Regulations a First StepTowards Creation of a Right of Access to the Mass Media, Michael Botein
Human Rights and World Public Order: A Framework for Policy-Oriented Inquiry, Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Insanity Defense in English-Speaking African Countries, Michael L. Perlin
Submissions from 1968
Large Lot Zoning Note, David Schoenbrod
Submissions from 1967
Ideas and Interests: Businessmen and the Interstate Commerce Act, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Submissions from 1966
Note on Elfbrandt v. Russell and Loyalty Oaths, Jethro K. Lieberman
Submissions from 1964
Once around the Flag Pole: Construction Bidding and Contracts at Formation, Lawrence Lederman
Once around the Flag Pole: Construction Bidding and Contracts at Formation, Lawrence Lederman