Submissions from 1996
Afterword, James F. Simon
Book Review of Problems and Process: International Law and How We Use It, by Rosalyn Higgins, Lung-chu Chen
Cable/Telco Mergers and Acquisitions: An Antitrust Analysis, Michael Botein
Children's Rights vs. Adult Free Speech: Can They be Reconciled Colloquy, Nadine Strossen
Comparing the Concepts of ‘Property’ and ‘Value’ in Real Estate Law and Real Property Taxation, Gerald Korngold
Contractual Bankruptcy Waivers: Reconciling Theory, Practice, and Law, Marshall E. Tracht
Critical Perspectives on Megan's Law: Protection vs. Privacy, Nadine Strossen
Criticisms of Federal Counter-Terrorism Laws Justice and the Criminal Justice Process--Symposium on Law and Public Policy-1996, Nadine Strossen
Current Assault on Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties: Origins and Approaches, The, Nadine Strossen
Dignity was the First to Leave: Godinez v. Moran, Colin Ferguson, and the Trial of Mentally Disabled Criminal Defendants, Michael L. Perlin
Directorial Fiduciary Duties in a Tracking Stock Equity Structure: The Need for a Duty of Fairness, Jeffrey J. Haas
Federalism and Judicial Mandates, Nadine Strossen
Fooling All of the People Some of the Time: 1990s Welfare Reform and the Exploitation of American Values, Kathleen Kost and Frank W. Munger
Foreword: Law, Culture, Education, and Politics, Faith Stevelman
Framed, Richard Sherwin
Going for the Brass Ring: The Case for Same-Sex Marriage Book Review, Arthur S. Leonard
Human Cloning and the Family: Reflections on Cloning Existing Children [comments], Stephen A. Newman
I'll Give You Shelter from the Storm: Privilege, Confidentiality, and Confessions of Crime, Michael L. Perlin
Income Taxation of New York Resident Trusts, The (continued), William P. LaPiana
Income Tax of New York Resident Trusts, The, Eileen Caulfield Schwab and William P. LaPiana
Introduction, Arthur S. Leonard
Introduction: Dialogue on the Solomon Lecture: Politics and the Rehnquist Court, Nadine Strossen
Is It More than Dodging Lions and Wastin' Time: Adequacy of Counsel, Questions of Competence, and the Judicial Process in Individual Right to Refuse Treatment Cases, Michael L. Perlin and Deborah Dorfman
Judgment at The Hague, Ruti Teitel
Law and Inequality: Race, Gender…and, of course, Class, Carroll Serron and Frank W. Munger
Legislatures, Courts and the SEC: Reflections on Silence and Power in Corporate and Securities Law, Faith Stevelman
Loan Repayment Assistance Programs for Public-Interest Lawyers: Why Does Everyone Think They are Taxable?, Richard C.E. Beck
Myths, Realities, and the Political World: The Anthropology of Insanity Defense Attitudes, Michael L. Perlin
No Direction Home: The Law and Criminal Defendants with Mental Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin
Politics and the Rehnquist Court, James F. Simon
Protecting Student Rights Promotes Educational Opportunity: A Response to Judge Wilkinson Due Process and Public Education, Nadine Strossen
Reforming the Requirements for Due Execution of Wills: Some Guidance from the Past, Lloyd Bonfield
Religion and Politics: A Reply to Justice Antonin Scalia, Nadine Strossen
Retroactive Civil Legislation, Laura Ricciardi and Michael B.W. Sinclair
Rights, Remembrance and the Reconciliation of Difference, David Engel and Frank W. Munger
Seller’s Damages from a Defaulting Buyer of Realty: The Influence of the Uniform Land Transactions Act on the Courts, Gerald Korngold
Should We Test for Interpersonal Lawyering Skills?, Lawrence M. Grosberg
Taiwan, China, and the United Nations, Lung-chu Chen
Text, Texts, or Ad Hoc Determinations: Interpretation of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Randolph N. Jonakait
The Creation of South Africa's Constitution: Introduction, Stephen J. Ellmann
The Executioner’s Face is Always Well-Hidden: The Role of Counsel and the Courts in Determining Who Dies, Michael L. Perlin
The Kiddie Tax: A Nuisance Solution to a Nonexistent Problem (Special Tax Symposium), Richard C.E. Beck
The New Activist Court, Donald H. Zeigler
The New Community Reinvestment Act Regulations: An Attempt to Implement Performance-Based Standards, Richard D. Marsico
Why States, Not EPA, Should Set Pollution Standards Behind the Green Curtain, David Schoenbrod
Submissions from 1995
A Resource for Justice: South Africa’s Legal Resources Centre East Africa, Penelope Andrews
At Work in the Marketplace of Ideas: Academic Freedom, the First Amendment, and Jeffries v. Harleston, Stephen A. Newman
A US Perspective on Europe's Right of Establishment Debate, Sydney M. Cone III.
Cape Fear: Law's Inversion and Cathartic Justice Symposium: Picturing Justice: Images of Law and Lawyers in the Visual Media, Richard K. Sherwin
Consolidation, Coordination, Competition, and Coherence: In Search of a Forward Looking Communications Policy, Mark D. Director and Michael Botein
Dancing in the Courthouse: The First Amendment Right of Access Opens a New Round., Eugene Cerruti
Fighting Poverty through Community Empowerment and Economic Development: The Role of the Community Reinvestment and Home Mortgage Disclosure Acts, Richard D. Marsico
Hate Speech and Pornography: Do We Have to Choose between Freedom of Speech and Equality, Nadine Strossen
Honor Langdell Commentary, William P. LaPiana
How Much God In the Schools - A Discussion of Religion's Role in the Classroom, Nadine Strossen
Introduction (Symposium: Police Corruption, Municipal Corruption: Cures at What Cost?), Ross Sandler
Introduction: Women's Rights and Traditional Law: A Conflict, Penelope Andrews
Is Compromise of a Tax Liability Itself Taxable? A Problem of Circularity in the Logic of Taxation., Richard C.E. Beck
Is there Life after Abandonment--The Key Role of New York City's in Rem Housing in Establishing an Entitlement to Decent, Affordable Housing, Andrew Scherer
Judicial Review of FCC Action, Michael Botein
Law and Legitimacy in South Africa, Stephen Ellmann
Law and the Myth of the Self in Mass Media Representations, Richard Sherwin
Learned Hand: The Jurisprudential Trajectory of an Old Progressive, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Local and Federal Statutory and Regulatory Bases for Preventing Lead Poisoning, Lucy Billings
Rashomon and the Criminal Law: Mental Disability and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Michael L. Perlin and Keri K. Gould
Reclaiming Sex From the Pornographers: Cybersexual Possibilities, Carlin Meyer
Struggle and Legitimation [comments], Stephen Ellmann
Symposium: Picturing Justice: Images of Law & (and) Lawyers in the Visual Media - Introduction Symposium: Picturing Justice: Images of Law and Lawyers in the Visual Media, Richard K. Sherwin
Tensions between Regulating Workplace Harassment and the First Amendment: No Trump, The The Kenneth M. Piper Lectureship Series, Nadine Strossen
The Origins of the Confrontation Clause: An Alternative History, Randolph N. Jonakait
Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Mentally Disabled Persons: Hopeless Oxymoron or Redemptive Strategy?, Michael L. Perlin, Keri A. Gould, and Deborah Dorfman
The Spousal Letters of Samuel R. Thurston, Oregon's First Territorial Delegate to Congress: 1849-1851, James Perry, Richard H. Chused, and Mary Delano
Twins Separated at Birth: A Comparative History of the Civil and Criminal Arising under Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts and Some Proposal for Change, Donald H. Zeigler
Working for Social Change and Preserving Client Autonomy: Is There A Role for ‘Facilitative’ Lawyering?, Richard D. Marsico
Submissions from 1994
Asking the Right Question: A Comment on Constable, Frank W. Munger
Assessing the Quality of Expert Testimony in Cases Involving Children, Stephen A. Newman
By Hook or by Cook: Exploring the Legality of an INS Sting Operation, Lenni B. Benson
Constitutional Law and International Law in the United States of America, Lung-chu Chen
Corrections Law: The Supreme Court and Treatment in Correctional and Forensic Mental Health Facilities: Recent Trends and Decisions, Michael L. Perlin
Enforcing International Human Rights Law in the United States Human Rights: An Agenda for the Next Century: Part II - Implementing and Enforcing Human Rights: Chapter 17, Paul L. Hoffmann and Nadine Strossen
Federalist Society Roundtable Discussion: Symposium: Do We Have a Conservative Supreme Court, Robert Bork, Timothy Dyk, John O. McGinnis, Nadine Strossen, and Theodore B. Olson
Feminism, Work and Sex: Returning to the Gates, Carlin Meyer
Foreword (Symposium: Challenges in Immigration Law and Policy: An Agenda for the Twenty-First Century)., Carol Buckler
Free Press and Fair Trial: Implications of the O.J. Simpson Case Transcript, Nadine Strossen
Globalization of Law and Society Research, Frank W. Munger
Hospitalized Patients and the Right to Sexual Interaction: Beyond the Last Frontier, Michael L. Perlin
In the Defense of Freedom and Equality: The American Civil Liberties Union Past, Present, and Future, Nadine Strossen
Law Frames: Historical Truth and Narrative Necessity in a Criminal Case, Richard K. Sherwin
National League of Cities: Judicial Decision-Making and the Nature of Constitutional Federalism, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
New Limited Liability Company Legislation in New York, Alan Appel
New South African Constitution and Ethnic Division, The, Stephen Ellmann
Overbroad Civil Forfeiture Statutes Are Unconstitutionally Vague, Deborah Duseau and David Schoenbrod
Paradoxes in the Revolution of the Rule of Law (Symposium: Constitutionalism in the Post-Cold War Era)., Ruti Teitel
Post-Communist Constitutionalism: A Transitional Perspective., Ruti Teitel
Rediscovering Thomas Paine, Richard B. Bernstein
Rethinking Constitutional Change, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Sex, Sin, and Women’s Liberation: Against Porn-Suppression., Carlin Meyer