Submissions from 1986
Swift v. Tyson and the Brooding Omnipresence in the Sky: An Investigation of the Idea of Law in Antebellum America, William P. LaPiana
Task of No Common Magnitude: The Founding of the American Law Institute, A, William P. LaPiana
The Choice between Living with Family Members and Eligibility for Government Benefits Based on Need: A Constitutional Dilemma, Lucy Billings
The Subversion of the Hearsay Rule: The Residual Hearsay Exceptions, Circumstantial Guarantees of Trustworthiness, and Grand Jury Testimony, Randolph N. Jonakait
The Supreme Court’s 1984–85 Church-State Decisions: Judicial Paths of Least Resistance, Ruti G. Teitel
The Supreme Court, the Mentally Disabled Criminal Defendant, and Symbolic Values: Random Decisions, Hidden Rationales, or Doctrinal Abyss, Michael L. Perlin
Treatment Refusals for the Critically and Terminally Ill: Proposed Rules for the Family, the Physician, and the State, Stephen A. Newman
Submissions from 1985
A Comment on Style: The Elevator as Metaphor, James Brook
AIDS and Employment Law Revisited Law, Social Policy, and Contagious Disease: A Symposium on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Arthur S. Leonard
Defence of the Aspirations - But Not the Achievements - of the U.S. Rules Limiting Defamation Actions by Public Officials or Public Figures, A, Nadine Strossen
Distributions in Kind in Corporate Liquidations: A Defense of General Utilities, Richard C.E. Beck
Employment Discrimination against Persons with AIDS, Arthur S. Leonard
Faculty Parenthood: Law School Treatment of Pregnancy and Child Care, Richard H. Chused
Federal Court Reform of State Criminal Justice Systems: A Reassessment of the Younger Doctrine from a Modern Perspective, Donald H. Zeigler
Framework for Evaluating Equal Access Claims by Student Religious Groups: Is There a Window for Free Speech in the Wall Separating Church and State, Nadine Strossen
Introduction, James F. Simon
Late Nineteenth Century Married Women's Property Law: Reception of the Early Married Women's Property Acts by Courts and Legislatures, Richard H. Chused
Lawyer Beware: The Use of Counsel's Statements as Evidence against His Client in Tax Fraud Cases, Lawrence S. Feld and Leonard R. Rosenblatt
Legal Education for Non-Litigators: The Role of The Law Schools and the Practicing Bar, Gerald Korngold
New Video Technologies in the United States: Regulatory and Intellectual Property Considerations, Michael Botein
Opening Hart's Concept of Law, Richard K. Sherwin
The German and British Roots of American Workers' Compensation Systems: When Is an Intentional Act Intentional, Michael L. Perlin
The United States Supreme Court and Mental Health Law: A Retrospective, Michael L. Perlin
Submissions from 1984
Beyond 1984: Undercover in America–Serpico to Abscam, Robert Blecker
Cable Television Franchising and the Antitrust Laws: A Preliminary Analysis of Substantive Standards, Michael Botein
Contrasting Sources: Court Rolls and Settlements as Evidence of Hereditary Transmission of Land amongst Small Landowners in Early Modern England, Lloyd Bonfield
Critical Legal Studies versus Critical Legal Theory: A Comment on Method, Frank W. Munger and Carroll Seron
Delegation Doctrine: Could the Court Give It Substance, The, David Schoenbrod
Employment Discrimination against Persons with AIDS Symposium: The Legal System and Homosexuality - Approbation, Accommodation, or Reprobation, Arthur S. Leonard
Introduction [comments]: From First Amendment rights and the Cable Television Industry, Michael Botein
Linking Educational Benefits with Draft Registration: An Unconstitutional Bill of Attainder, Richard D. Marsico
Mass Investigations without Individualized Suspicion: A Constitutional and Policy Critique of Drunk Driving Roadblocks, James B. Jacobs and Nadine Strossen
Oregon Donation Act of 1850 and Nineteenth Century Federal Married Women's Property Law, The, Richard H. Chused
Pleading the Entrapment Defense: The Propriety of Inconsistency, Michael H. Roffer
Privately Held Conservation Servitudes: A Policy Analysis in the Context of in Gross Real Covenants and Easements, Gerald Korngold
Proportionality Review in New Jersey: An Indispensable Safeguard in the Capital Sentencing Process, Joseph H. Rodriguez, Michael L. Perlin, and John M. Apicella
The Demise of the Aguilar-Spinelli Rule: A Case of Faulty Reception., Eugene Cerruti
Submissions from 1983
A Reassessment of the Younger Doctrine in Light of the Legislative History of Reconstruction, Donald H. Zeigler
Contractual Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability Under the Law of New York, James Brook
Inevitable Errors: The Preponderance of the Evidence Standard in Civil Litigation, James Brook
In Memoriam: James Pierce Kibbey, Gerald Korngold
Institutions Specialized to the Protection of Human Rights in the United States, Lung-chu Chen
Limits and Dangers of Environmental Mediation: A Review Essay, David Schoenbrod
Marriage, Property &(and) the Affective Family, Lloyd Bonfield
Post-Contractual Arbitrability after Nolde Brothers: A Problem of Conceptual Clarity, Arthur S. Leonard
Specific Performance of Collective Bargaining Agreements, Arthur S. Leonard
The Insanity Defense Under Siege: Legislative Assaults and Legal Rejoinders, Joseph H. Rodriguez, Laura M. Lewinn, and Michael L. Perlin
When Blood Is Their Argument: Probabilities in Criminal Cases, Genetic Markers, and, Once Again, Bayes' Theorem, Randolph N. Jonakait
Submissions from 1982
Collective Bargaining on Issues of Health and Safety in the Public Sector: The Experience under New York's Taylor Law, Arthur S. Leonard
Comment, “Foreign Antitrust Violations and the Act of State Doctrine”, Michael Roffer
Conditions of Personal Satisfaction in the Law of Contracts, James Brook
Desert Survival: The Evolving Western Irrigation District, Lenni B. Benson
Ethical Issues in the Representation of Individuals in the Commitment Process, Michael L. Perlin and Robert Sadoff
Goal Statutes or Rules Statutes: The Case of the Clean Air Act, David Schoenbrod
Human Rights and the Free Flow of Information, Lung-chu Chen
Making Decisions About Transit, David Schoenbrod
Married Women's Property Law: 1800-1850, Richard H. Chused
Regulation of Cable Television in the United States, Michael Botein
Will Blood Tell Genetic Markers in Criminal Cases?, Randolph N. Jonakait
Submissions from 1981
An Invitation to the Dance: An Empirical Response to Chief Justice Warren Burger’s ‘Time-Consuming Procedural Minuets’ Theory in Parham v. J.R., Michael L. Perlin
Construction Loan Advances and the Subordinated Purchase Mortgagee: An Appraisal, A Suggested Approach, and the ULTA Perspective, Gerald Korngold
Introduction: Human Rights and Jurisprudence, Myres McDougal and Lung-chu Chen
New Communications Technologies: The Emerging Antitrust Agenda, Michael Botein
Reliable Identification: Could the Supreme Court Tell in Manson v. Brathwaite, Randolph N. Jonakait
Self-Determination: An Important Dimension of the Demand for Freedom, Lung-chu Chen
Suppression of Popular Gatherings in England, 1800-1830, Frank W. Munger
Submissions from 1980
Clinical Legal Education: The Case Against Separatism, Frank W. Munger
Due Process Versus Data Processing: An Analysis of Computerized Criminal History Information Systems, Donald Doernberg and Donald H. Zeigler
Jurisdictional and Antitrust Considerations in the Regulation of the New Communications Technologies, Michael Botein
Rewriting First Year Legal Writing Programs, Michael Botein
Rights of Ex-Patients in the Community: The Next Frontier?, Michael L. Perlin
Schoolbooks, School Boards, and the Constitution [notes], Aleta Estreicher
The Legal Status of the Psychologist in the Courtroom, Michael L. Perlin
Submissions from 1979
Categorization of Chemicals Under the Toxic Substance Control Act, Louis Slesin and Ross Sandler
Measuring Repression of Popular Protest by English Justices of the Peace in the Industrial Revolution, Frank W. Munger
Submissions from 1978
Ashbacker Rites in Administrative Practice: A Case Study of Broadcast Regulation., Jacob W. Mayer and Michael Botein
Contemporary Dilemmas of the Javins Defense: A Note on the Need for Procedural Reform in Landlord-Tenant Law, Richard H. Chused
Human Rights and World Public Order, Lung-chu Chen
Human Rights and World Public Order: Human Rights in Comprehensive Context, Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Simultaneous Representation: Transaction Resolution in the Adversary System, James Hagy
Young Adults As a Cognizable Group in Jury Selection, Donald H. Zeigler
Submissions from 1977
Can Distraint Stand Up as a Landlord’s Remedy?, Gerald Korngold
Faretta and the Personal Defense: The Role of a Represented Defendant in Trial Tactics, Richard H. Chused
If We Can't Teach Our Students to Write... Let's Examine Some Alternatives That May Have a Chance to Work, Michael Botein
Legal Status of the Psychologist in the Courtroom, Michael L. Perlin
New Copyright Act & Cable Television: A Signal of Change, Michael Botein
State Environmental Quality Review Act, Ross Sandler
The Aggregate Interest in Shared Respect and Human Rights: The Harmonization of Public Order and Civic Order, Myers McDougal, Harold Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Relativity of Injury, Jethro K. Lieberman
The Social Setting of Human Rights: The Process of Deprivation and Non-Fulfillment of Values, Myers McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Submissions from 1976
Accommodation of the Younger Doctrine and the Duty of the Federal Courts to Enforce Constitutional Safeguards In the State Criminal Process, Donald H. Zeigler
Alexander M. Bickel and the Post-Realist Constitution, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Freedom from Discrimination in Choice of Language and International Human Rights, Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
Introduction: Environmental Law Section, Second Circuit Review, 1974–75 Term, Ross Sandler