Submissions from 1999
Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Reflections on the Standards State Judges Should Use to Ascertain Federal Law, Donald H. Zeigler
Global Issues in Compensatory Justice: Introduction, Penelope Andrews
Glycoprotein Ib-V-IX, a Receptor for von Willebrand Factor, Couples Physically and Functionally to the Fc Receptor y-Chain, Fyn, and Lyn to Activate Human Platelets, Shahrokh Falati, Christine E. Edmead, and Alastair W. Poole
Half-Wracked Prejudice Leaped Forth: Sanism, Pretextuality, and Why and How Mental Disability Law Developed as It Did, Michael L. Perlin
"Half-Wracked Prejudice Leaped Forth:" Sanism, Pretextuality, and Why and How Mental Disability Law Developed as it Did, Michael L. Perlin
II Prodotto Di Marca e ii Suo Mercato Derivato, Rudolph J.R. Peritz
In Affectionate Memory of Professor Myres McDougal: Champion for an International Law of Human Dignity (Tribute), Lung-chu Chen
In Tribute to the Outgoing Editors, Carl Monk, Paul Carrington, and Gerald Korngold
Langdell Laughs Forum: That Impecunious Introvert from New Hampshire: Re-Imagining Langdell: Comment, William P. LaPiana
Lesbians, Legal Theory and Other Superheroes, Book Review of Ruthann Robson’s Sappho Goes to Law School: Fragments in Lesbian Legal Theory, Kris Franklin and Sarah Chinn
Marriage and the Income Tax Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: A Primer and Legislative Scorecard, Ann F. Thomas
Millennial Visions: Human Rights at Century’s End., Ruti G. Teitel
Modern Coverture: Old Wine in Old Bottles, William P. LaPiana
Observing Money, Marriage and Taxation, Ann F. Thomas
Planning Ahead, F. Peter Phillips '87
Putting the Law Back into Environment Law Environment, David Schoenbrod
Reaffirmation of Proportionality Analysis under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, The Symposium - State and Federal Religious Liberty Legislation: Is It Necessary - Is It Constitutional - Is It Good Policy: Federal Religious Liberty Legislation: Congress's Power, Marci Hamilton and David Schoenbrod
Reconsidering the Frankfurtian Paradigm: Reflections on Histories of Lower Federal Courts, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Religion and the Public Defender, Sadiq Reza
Remarks [comments], Nadine Strossen
Renegotiation and Secured Credit: Explaining the Equity of Redemption, Marshall E. Tracht
Report Of The Working Group On Assessment Of Systems For Delivering Legal Services, Andrew Scherer
Shedding Some Light on Lending: The Effect of Expanded Disclosure Laws on Home Mortgage Marketing, Lending and Discrimination in the New York Metropolitan Area, Richard D. Marsico
Supreme Court Restricts New Value Exception, Marshall E. Tracht
Surviving Title VII: Defending Municipal Residency Requirements in Minority Communities, Erika L. Wood
Ted Mearns: Colleague, Teacher, Friend, Gerald Korngold
The Appellate Body, the Protection of Sea Turtles and the Technique of "Completing the Analysis", Sydney M. Cone III.
The Art of the Fact, Jethro K. Lieberman
The Jurisprudence of Appearances, Richard Sherwin
The Standard of Appellate Review for Scientific Evidence: Beyond Joiner and Scheffer, Randolph N. Jonakait
The Universal and the Particular in International Criminal Justice, Ruti Teitel
Thoughts on the Sprint Acquisition., Michael Botein
Trusts and Estates Practice into the Next Millennium, Marc S. Bekerman and Gerry W. Beyer
Violence against Women in South Africa: The Role of Culture and the Limitations of the Law, Penelope Andrews
What Is a Human Right - Universals and the Challenge of Cultural Relativism, Ruti G. Teitel
When Justice Fails: Indemnification for Unjust Conviction, Adele Bernhard
Women and the Internet, Carlin Meyer
Submissions from 1998
Carefully Orchestrated Campaign, The, Nadine Strossen and Caitlin Borgmann
Cause Lawyering in the Third World, Stephen Ellmann
Civil Rights and Self-Concept: Life Stories of Law, Disability and Employment, Frank W. Munger and David M. Engel
Comment on Redish and Kaludis's the Right of Expressive Access in First Amendment Theory, Nadine Strossen
Enforcement of Restrictions by Homeowners Associations: Balancing Individual Rights and Community Interests, Gerald Korngold
Ethical Issues Panel Symposium: The Future of Legal Services: Legal and Ethical Implications of the LSC Restrictions, Stephen Ellmann
Expedited Removal: A Refugee's Perspective, Carol Buckler
Family (Proper)ty, Richard H. Chused
Foreword, Nadine Strossen
Foreword (Symposium: Finding a Path to Gender Equality: Legal and Policy Issues Raised by All-Female Public Education), Nadine Strossen
Human Cloning and the Family: Reflections on Cloning Existing Children [comments], Stephen A. Newman
Human Cloning and the Substantive Due Process Riddle, Stephen A. Newman
Immanence and Identity: Understanding Poverty through Law and Society Research, Frank W. Munger
Immanence and Identity: Understanding Poverty through Law and Society Research, Frank W. Munger
Letters to the Editor [comments], Stephen Ellmann
Lisa Herdahl and Religious Liberty, Nadine Strossen
Make Your Own Kind of Music: Queer Student Groups and the First Amendment, Doni Gewirtzman
Megan’s Law and the Protection of the Child in the On-Line Age, Nadine Strossen
One Step Forward, One Step Back: Recent Changes in the Nonrecognition Treatment of Preferred Stock and Warrants, Alan Appel and Michael J. Kliegman
Points to Ponder for the Simple Will, Marc S. Bekerman
Practice Considerations in Estate and Disability Planning, Marc S. Bekerman
Private Bar Monitors Public Defense - Oversight Committee Sets Standards for Indigent Defense Providers, Adele Bernhard
Secret Testimony and Public Trials in New York, Randolph N. Jonakait
Small Issue Public Offerings Conducted Over the Internet: Are They ‘Suitable’ for the Retail Investor?, Jeffrey J. Haas
Striking the Rock: Confronting Gender Equality in South Africa, Penelope Andrews
Students' Rights and How They Are Wronged Essay, Nadine Strossen
Taiwan's Current International Legal Status, Lung-chu Chen
Taiwan's Current International Legal Status, Lung-chu Chen
The Appellate Body and Harrowsmith Country Life, Sydney M. Cone III.
The ‘New World’ of Judicial Review of Removal Orders, Lenni B. Benson
There's No Success Like Failure/and Failure's No Success at All: Exposing the Pretextuality of Kansas v. Hendricks, Michael L. Perlin
Tribute to Justice William J. Brennan Tribute, Nadine Strossen
Whatever Happened to Landlord-Tenant Law?, Gerald Korngold
Where the Winds Hit Heavy on the Borderline: Mental Disability Law, Theory and Practice, Us and Them, Michael L. Perlin
Submissions from 1997
Background to State of New Jersey v. Shack and Tejeras, Richard H. Chused
Background to Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co, Richard H. Chused
Colin Powell's Reflection: Status, Behavior, and Discrimination, David Chang
Equal Protection and Lesbian and Gay Rights, Arthur S. Leonard
Foreward (Symposium: Critical Perspectives on Megan’s Law: Protection vs. Privacy), Nadine Strossen
Foreword (The Sixth Annual Ernst C. Stiefel Symposium), Aleta Estreicher and Karen Gross
Heavy Duty II: Forming a Business Entity in the United States, Aleta Estreicher and Warren Green
Human Rights Genealogy (Symposium: Human Rights on the Eve of the Next Century), Ruti Teitel
International – Tax Court Ends The “Cascading Royalty” Problem, Alan Appel, Susan Jacobini Harrington, Harrison J. Cohen, and Thomas P. North
Make Promises by the Hour: Sex, Drugs, the ADA, and Psychiatric Hospitalization, Michael L. Perlin
Pandora’s Box: Managerial Discretion and the Problem of Corporate Philanthropy, Faith Stevelman
Sex on the Wards: Conundra for Clinicians, Douglass Mossman, Michael L. Perlin, and Deborah Dorfman
Square Wheels: U.S. Pass-Through Taxation of Privately Held Enterprises in a Comparative Law Context, Ann F. Thomas
Tax Court Ends the ‘Cascading Royalty’ Problem, Alan Appel
The Assessment of Expertise: Transcending Construction, Randolph N. Jonakait
The Borderline Which Separated You from Me: The Insanity Defense, the Authoritarian Spirit, the Fear of Faking, and the Culture of Punishment, Michael L. Perlin
The Creation of South Africa's Constitution: Introduction, Stephen J. Ellmann
To Resign or Not to Resign, Stephen Ellmann
Transitional Jurisprudence: The Role of Law in Political Transformation., Ruti Teitel
Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Australia: Possibilities for Redress within the International Human Rights Framework, Penelope Andrews
Withholding Tax on Phantom Gain, Alan Appel and Michael Hirschfield
Women's Rights under Siege, Nadine Strossen