Submissions from 2004
Review of Jennifer Klein, For All These Rights: Business, Labor and the Shaping of America’s Public-Private Welfare State, Frank W. Munger
Through the Veil, Darkly: Why France’s Ban on the Wearing of Religious Symbols is Even More Pernicious Than it Appears, Ruti G. Teitel
Transitional Perspectives on Women’s Rights, Penelope Andrews
Who Deserves to Die? A Time to Reconsider, Robert Blecker
Submissions from 2003
Anti-Lesbian High School Teacher Fired, Arthur S. Leonard
Book Review: Bachrach and Turner, Sugar’s Life in the Hood: A Story of A Former Welfare Mother, Frank W. Munger
Cross-Border Legal Practice in International Legal Centers as Viewed from New York, Sydney M. Cone III.
Filibusted, Brandt Goldstein
Four Years Later: Reconsidering the Original ABA Report on MDP, Sydney M. Cone III.
Made-to-measure justice, Ruti G. Teitel
Operation Iraqi Freedom: Just or Unjust War? Humanitarian Action, or Simply Geopolitics?, Ruti G. Teitel
Overburdened Child’s ‘Best-Interest’ Test, Stephen A. Newman
Protecting the Academic Freedom of Law School Clinics, Joyce Saltalamachia
The Road to Justice in Iraq, Ruti G. Teitel
When the Endowment Tanks: Some Lessons for Nonprofits, Jeffrey J. Haas
Submissions from 2002
Book Review, Digital Diplomacy, Beth Simone Noveck
Book Review of Harold Hyman's Craftsmanship and Character: A History of the Vinson and Elkins Law Firm of Houston, 1917-1997, William P. LaPiana
Book Review of Louis Menand’s The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Book Review of Richard C. Cortner’s Civil Rights and Public Accommodations: The Heart of Atlanta Motel and McClung Cases, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Counter-Revolution in Grandparent Visitation Rules, Stephen A. Newman
Court Refuses Moot Role, Arthur S. Leonard
Don’t Blame Canada, Arthur S. Leonard
Equal Protection Victory, Arthur S. Leonard
Fishing for Cancer, David Schoenbrod
Gray Davis Hangs Tough, Arthur S. Leonard
International Labor Standards in the WTO’s “New World Order”: Towards “Development-Based” Standard Setting, Carlin Meyer
Legally Blonde: Don't Try This at Home, Joyce Saltalamachia
Making a Federal Case, James F. Simon
National Sovereignty: A Cornerstone of International Law and an Obstacle to Protecting Citizens, Ruti G. Teitel
Press Freedom and Public Forums, Arthur S. Leonard
Progress Up North, Arthur S. Leonard
Protecting Justice and Liberty After 9/11, Nadine Strossen
Rights and Responsibilities, Arthur S. Leonard
S/M Scene Gone Awry, Arthur S. Leonard
Ten Years on the Information Superhighway: Lawyers and Technology, Michael Botein
The Maumauing of Bjorn Lomborg, David Schoenbrod
The New Deal "Constitutional Revolution" as an Historical Problem, Book Review of G. Edward White's The Constitution and the New Deal, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
To Live or Die? Is There a Moral Obligation to Execute the Worst of the Worst? (Point/Counterpoint: Yes), Robert Blecker
United Kingdom Transgender Win, Arthur S. Leonard
War and Our Civil Liberties: Lessons from Lincoln, Stephen A. Newman
Who Gets To Prosecute the Sniper Suspects First?, Brandt Goldstein
Submissions from 2001
After the Court's Ruling: The CFE Case and Money, Ross Sandler and David Schoenbrod
Book Review of The Supreme Court under Edward Douglass White, 1910–1921, by Walter F. Pratt, Jr., Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Possible Pro Bono Activities for Law Librarians, Camille Broussard
Taking the Lead in Pro Bono, Camille Broussard
Submissions from 2000
Among Killers, Searching For the Worst of the Worst, Robert Blecker
Book Review of Judging Jehovah’s Witnesses: Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the Rights Revolution, by Shawn Francis Peter, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Finder’s Fee Agreements: Pitfalls and Considerations, Howard S. Meyers
From Page to Technology's Virtual Stage, Camille Broussard
Getting the View From Lorton, Robert Blecker
Leopold and Loeb, Stephen A. Newman
Tax Treatment of Defaulted Child Support: The Better Approach, Richard C.E. Beck
Technology Fosters Trends, Arthur S. Leonard
The Dark Side of Grandparent Visitation Rights, Stephen A. Newman
Submissions from 1999
An Elegant but Incomplete Analysis of Delegation, David Schoenbrod
Book Review of War Crimes: Brutality, Genocide, Terror, and the Struggle for Justice by Aryeh Neier, Ruti G. Teitel
Calling to Account, Stephen Ellmann
Clean Air, Congress and the Constitution: Why Delegation Ruling Was Correct, David Schoenbrod
Let the Locals Rule Their Home Environments, David Schoenbrod
Perspective Fueled by Turbulent Times: Blame the Lawyers, Not the Witness, Mariana Hogan
The Long Hello: Uncovering the Citizenship of Women, Ann F. Thomas
The Private and the Public Faces of Realism, William P. LaPiana
The Transformation of Gay Family Law, Arthur S. Leonard
Uses of Metaphor in Legal Argument, Stephen A. Newman
Submissions from 1998
Art on Loan, Judith Bresler
Book Review of Shifting the Blame: Literature, Law, and the Theory of Accidents in Nineteenth-Century America, by Nan Goodman., Edward A. Purcell Jr.
By What Right Do Judges Run Prisons?, David Schoenbrod and Ross Sandler
Corporate Democracy -- Not Such A Radical Idea, Carlin Meyer
How Does Congress Define 'Perjury'?, Robert Blecker
How Green Was Common Law?, David Schoenbrod
On the Edge: The Insanity Defense in America Today, Michael L. Perlin
Shifting the Burden of Proof: A Reckless Experiment, Ann F. Thomas
The Diversity of Merit. Book Review of Beyond All Reason: The Radical Assault on Truth in American Law, by Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry.H-Law, H-Net Reviews, William P. LaPiana
The Right Way Out, Robert Blecker
Time for the Federal Environmental Aristocracy to Give Up Power, David Schoenbrod
Submissions from 1997
Book Review of A Nation Under Lawyers: How the Crisis in the Legal Profession is Transforming American Society, by Mary Ann Glendon, William P. LaPiana
Book Review of Mental Disorder, Work Disability, and the Law, edited by R.J. Bonnie and J. Monahan, Michael L. Perlin
Book Review of Patterns of American Jurisprudence, by Neil Duxbury, William P. LaPiana
Book Review of Reclaiming the Federal Courts, by Larry W. Yackle., Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Book Review of Silencing the Opposition: Government Strategies of Suppression of Freedom of Expression, by Craig R. Smith, Jethro K. Lieberman
Book Review of The Strange Career of Legal Liberalism, by Laura Kalman, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
CASE CLOSE-UP: Gezim Kollcinaku, Carol Buckler
Immigration Reform and Judicial Review: A Constitutional Crisis, Lenni Benson
International Parochialism, Sydney M. Cone III.
Judge Albie Sachs: Shaper of South Africa's New Constitution, Stephen Ellmann
Memorial to Dr. Ernst C. Stiefel, Aleta Estreicher
New York Law School's Civil and Human Rights Clinic: An Opportunity to Learn, A Commitment to Help, Richard D. Marsico
Thinking About the Year 2020, William R. Mills
Submissions from 1996
Administrative Rulemaking (Testimony), David Schoenbrod
Book Review of American Legal Realism and Empirical Social Science, by John Henry Schlegel, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
How To Put Lawmakers, Not Courts, Back in Charge, David Schoenbrod and Ross Sandler
On the Road To Ruin, Ross Sandler
Submissions from 1995
Book Review of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self, by Edward White., Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Book Review of Whose Backyard, Whose Risk, by Michael B. Gerrard, Ross Sandler
Nuremberg’s Lessons for Today, Ruti G. Teitel
Submissions from 1994
Book Review of The Constitution Besieged, by Howard Gillman, Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Joint Tax Return Liability and Bankruptcy, Ann F. Thomas
Thoughts and Lives. Book Reviews of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self, by G. Edward White; and Learned Hand: The Man and The Judge, by Gerald Gunther, William P. LaPiana