Professor Rudolph J.R. Peritz (1946-2015)

Professor Rudolph J.R. Peritz (1946-2015)


Faculty Scholarship

Faculty Scholarship Publications

Professor Rudolph J.R. Peritz passed away on August 5, 2015. A member of the NYLS community for nearly 30 years, Professor Peritz was a cherished faculty member whose scholarship in antitrust, computer law, and intellectual property contributed significantly to the prestige of the Law School.

From Professor Edward A. Purcell Jr., “Rudy Peritz was a warm, generous, and congenial colleague whom I admired greatly as a teacher, a scholar, and a friend. Rudy was one of the first people who came to welcome me when I arrived at New York Law School many years ago. He immediately offered his assistance in helping me make the transition to law teaching, and he made me feel at home and that I could call on him for anything. Over the years our friendship grew as I enjoyed his companionship and good humor and increasingly appreciated his deep social concerns and his ever-probing intellect. Often we talked about his ideas on economics and competition policy, and he taught me far more than I had ever known about both as he worked to complete the original and revised editions of his complex and profound study of American antitrust law, Competition Policy in America: History, Rhetoric, Law. His scholarship, like his mind and his conversation, was invariably incisive, enlightening, and stimulating. He will be acutely missed.”

From Professor William Mills, “I was for many years the Library’s liaison to Prof. Peritz. I will always remember him as one of my favorite faculty members to work with. I appreciated his warmth and keen sense of humor. A consummate scholar, he was demanding, yet patient in his demands. I felt a strong sense of accomplishment every time I was able to satisfy his challenging research requests. His loss will be felt deeply in the New York Law School community.”

Professor Rudolph J.R. Peritz (1946-2015)
