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Have you ever slung angry birds at cowering swine? Ever messaged your friends to help you harvest crops on your farm? In a world where everyone and their grandmother are now playing video games, it’s time to jump up to the “next stage” of the discourse and analyze the legal issues behind our favorite pastime. is a law student written, edited, and operated site dedicated to explaining and commenting on the legal issues in the video game industry. While as law students we cannot and are not giving legal advice or services, we will be applying what we have learned from our legal studies and industry experience to educate and inform our readers. What really makes AYLABTU unique amongst the gamer bloggerati is our comprehensive examination of the legal side of the game industry. Our writers provide in-depth and thorough legal analysis on the emerging legal issues and cases before the courts. Issues on the latest patent battles, copyright infringements, and contract conflicts are only a taste of some of the articles available at our site. If you want to do more than “pwn n00bs” online, then it’s time to “level up” and join us now because All Your Law Are Belong To Us! Walkthrough and interact at:

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ALL YOUR LAW ARE BELONG TO US (AYLABTU): A Blog Focusing on the Video Game Industry and Its Legal Issues
