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Taking property for the public good: Eminent domain laws from around the world

Minimum wage policies in other nations and under international law

Flag desecration laws at home and abroad

Will new laws help develop effective and safe drugs more quickly?

Child sex abuse: Will the International Criminal Court investigate the Vatican?

Australia: Women soldiers at the front line of combat?

European Union: No more added sugar in fruit juices

International Criminal Court: The first judgment

First conviction of a former head of state since the end of World War II

Will a new treaty address Europe’s financial crisis?

On the road to a new global climate agreement?

Does using solitary confinement violate international law?

Medical waste: A growing human rights hazard?

Controversial U.S. tax law for Americans with foreign accounts

The death of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi: A violation of international law?

China: Illegal limits on exports of raw materials and its far-reaching implications

C.V. Starr Lectures and Lunchtime Lectures: Summaries

Publication Date

Spring 6-1-2012


Center for International Law | New York Law School


New York, NY


International Law

The International Review | 2012 Spring/Summer
