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Rooftops Project Profile - Human Rights Watch - Every day, not-for-profit organizations face “stay or move” choices when they approach the end of their leases. Making predictions about space, and making space work, can be challenging. How did one such organization assess its choices as a tenant in one of the most iconic buildings in Manhattan? The Rooftops Project’s Mehgan Gallagher speaks with David Bragg at Human Rights Watch.
Publication Date
Spring 2015
Rooftops Group LLC
New York
Human Rights Watch, Rooftops Project, Profile
Business Organizations Law | Land Use Law | Legal Education | Organizations Law | Property Law and Real Estate | Social Welfare Law | State and Local Government Law | Tax Law
Recommended Citation
Hagy, James and Gallagher, Mehgan, "Profile - Human Rights Watch" (2015). Rooftops Project. 25.

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Business Organizations Law Commons, Land Use Law Commons, Legal Education Commons, Organizations Law Commons, Property Law and Real Estate Commons, Social Welfare Law Commons, State and Local Government Law Commons, Tax Law Commons