"Salvation or a Lethal Dose? Attitudes and Advocacy in Right to Refuse " by Michael L. Perlin

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The debate surrounding the right to refuse treatment controversy continues unabated in the relevant law and social science literature. However, there are two areas where scant research attention is found. These include the attitudes of patients and staff regarding right to refuse treatment decisions and the adequacy of counsel availed to patients who assert their constitutionally protected right to refuse. This article examines both issues, mindful of what they tell us about sanism and pretextuality with respect to mental disability law and right to refuse treatment jurisprudence.


Michael L. Perlin JD (2004) “Salvation” or a “Lethal Dose”? Attitudes and Advocacy in Right to Refuse Treatment Cases, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 4:4, 51-69, DOI: 10.1300/J158v04n04_04
