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This article examines how the employment rights guaranteed by the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) affect the careers of individuals with disabilities. The
article draws on in-depth interviews with sixty adults who provided extended life
story narratives, describing early family and educational experiences and later
experiences with employment. Their detailed accounts offer insights into the
sometimes subtle role rights play in peoples lives and careers. Relatively few
rights violations actually lead to explicit or formal invocations of the law. The
effect of the ADA on careers can be profound but is primarily indirect or
symbolic. Moreover, other factors affect the influence of rights, including the
timing of injury or diagnosis, and personal or social circumstances such as
family relationships, social class, and race. The article analyzes the impact of
these and other factors on the careers of a selected group of men and women
with physical and learning disabilities.
Recommended Citation
62 Ohio State Law Journal 285 (2001)