About This Journal
The New York Law School Law Review is a journal of legal scholarship edited and published by students at NYLS. Under the guidance of faculty publisher Professor Michelle Zierler, the Law Review is led by an Editorial Board and assisted by Staff Editors and Junior Staff Editors to publish three issues per year. The Law Review also hosts symposia and events featuring scholars, professors, and practicing attorneys in the legal community. Our publication includes articles on the subject of our symposia, edited transcripts of symposia, and student writing in the form of Case Comments and Notes. All published work is subjected to a rigorous editorial process.
The Law Review has both a scholarly and an educational mission. It serves as an academic forum for legal scholarship and is intended to provide effective research materials for judges, attorneys, and students of the law. The Law Review also offers its students an important learning experience, providing opportunities for members to develop their editing and writing skills. By serving on the Executive and Editorial Boards, students can also master skills that are relevant to a successful law practice, such as communication, time management, and organization. Each Junior Staff Editor also attends a semester-long class in Legal Scholarship, a course designed to improve students’ writing skills while providing panels and workshops on editing, professionalism, and career development.
The Law Review is printed by Joe Christensen, Inc., in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Law Review's editorial and general offices are located on the 5th Floor of New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, New York, New York 10013. Citations in the Law Review generally conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). The Law Review is cited as, e.g., 63 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 1 (2018-2019).
You may contact the New York Law School Law Review at:
New York Law School Law Review
185 West Broadway
New York, New York 10013-2960
The Law Review can also be reached by email at law_review@nyls.edu. Our fax number is 212-431-8193.
The Law Review’s Faculty Publisher, Michelle Zierler, may be reached at 212-431-2330 or michelle.zierler@nyls.edu.
The Law Review’s Managing Editor, Colin Smith, may be reached at 212-431-2100 ext. 4114 or colin.smith@law.nyls.edu.
The Law Review's Editor in Chief, Joseph Capio, may be reached at 212-431-2100 ext. 4113 or joseph.capio@law.nyls.edu