Subscriptions | NYLS Law Review | New York Law School
NYLS Law Review

The New York Law School Law Review is published three times a year.


A subscription to the New York Law School Law Review runs from July to June each year. Subscriptions are accepted throughout the year. Subscription orders received mid-year will be sent back issues beginning with the first issue for the current volume.

To purchase a subscription by check, make the check payable to “New York Law School Law Review” and mail to the Law Review (see contact information below).

For credit card purchases of domestic, single-copy subscriptions click here. We cannot currently accept credit card payments for multiple copy or international subscriptions. For those, please contact the Law Review (see contact information below).
Subscription Prices (prices include shipping and handling):

Domestic Subscriptions: $50.00/year
Subscriptions outside the U.S.: $60.00/year

Individual Issue Pre-Orders

To pre-order individual issues by check, make the check payable to “New York Law School Law Review” and mail to the Law Review (see contact information below).

For credit card purchases of domestic, single copy pre-orders, click here. We cannot currently accept credit card payments for multiple copy or international pre-orders. For those pre-orders, please contact the Law Review (see contact information below).

For a list of issues available for pre-order, click here.


Subscriptions will be automatically renewed unless written notice of cancellation is received by the Law Review (see contact information below). Billing for each volume will be sent at the beginning of each subscription year before publication of the first issue in the volume. Payment for the subscription is due upon receipt of the invoice.


We do not offer refunds for mid-volume cancellations.


Claims for missing issues will be honored free of charge if made within six months of publication of the issue.

Address Changes

Please notify the Law Review of address changes as soon as possible in order to ensure prompt delivery (see contact information below). Address change requests should include the entire old address and the entire new address.

Back Issues

For all back issues contact:
William S. Hein, Inc.
1285 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14209

Reprints & Permissions

Requests for reprints and permissions should be directed to the Law Review (see contact information below).

Contact Information
Please send all correspondence to:
New York Law School Law Review
185 West Broadway
New York, New York 10013
Attn: Publication Manager
Phone: (212) 431-2109
Fax: (212) 431-8193

Printing & Distribution Information

The New York Law School Law Review (ISSN 0145-448X) is published three times a year, and printed and distributed by:
Joe Christensen, Inc.
1540 Adams Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68521