Print Submissions and Symposium Proposals
The NYLS Law Review publishes three issues each academic year, based on symposia that are held the prior year at New York Law School’s state-of-the-art academic campus in Tribeca in New York City. These symposia are developed by the Law Review’s editorial staff in collaboration with the New York Law School faculty and academic centers, and in partnership with other organizations. We welcome your symposium proposals, which may be directed to us by email at law_review@nyls.edu, and by mail at New York Law School Law Review, 185 W. Broadway, New York, NY 10013. For information about our past and upcoming symposia, click here.
Submit an Article for Publishing
The Law Review publishes original legal scholarship and commentary by academics, practitioners, judges, and law students, and invites the submission of unsolicited manuscripts for its fall and spring issues. Submissions may include previously unpublished articles, essays, case notes, or comments concerning any aspect the law. The Law Review traditionally publishes “Law Review” type pieces but submissions of all kinds are welcome.
The best times for submission are as follows:
- Fall Edition: March - May
- Spring Edition: July - Early September
Submission Method
Please submit electronic manuscripts, author CV, author contact information, cover letter, and other materials relevant for consideration of an article to .
Abstract submissions in Microsoft Word file format are highly preferred. Abstracts should be double-spaced, single-sided copies with one inch margins, and no more than ten pages in length.
All citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). In addition, the author should include his or her credentials including full name, degrees earned, academic or professional affiliations, and citations to all previously published legal articles. If any portion of a manuscript has been previously published by the author, the author should so indicate.
*For more information on the submission process, please contact .