Newman On Trusts. By Ralph A. Newman. Second Edition, Brooklyn: The Foundation Press, Inc. 1955. Pp. 600. $4.50. Review by Milton A. Silverman, Associate Professor, New York Law School
An Estate Planner's Handbook. By Mayo Adams Shattuck and James F. Farr, Second Edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953. Pp. xxv, 610. $10.75. Review by Earle R. Koons, Professor of Law, New York Law School
Legislative Drafting. By Reed Dickerson. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Pp. xvi, 149. 1954. $4.95. Review by Sidney H. Asch, Professor of Law, New York Law School
The Libraries of the Legal Profession. By William R. Roalfe.1 Saint Paul: West Publishing Co. 1953. Pp. 471. $6.00. Review by Rudolph Hermanson, Assistant Librarian, New York Law School
Recommended Citation
Book Reviews, 1 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. (1955).