Volume 56, Issue 3 Exonerating the Innocent: Pretrial Innocence Procedures
This symposium issue features ten articles by fourteen scholars and practitioners examining proposals for fundamental changes and even wholesale alternatives to our adversarial criminal justice system that could address the problem of wrongful convictions. These papers were presented at a November 2010 conference co-sponsored by the the New York Law School Law Review and the West Point Center for the Rule of Law. It also features essays based on presentations made at an event co-sponsored by the Law Review and the New York City Affairs Committee of the New York City Bar Association, entitled Lawyers and the Law in New York City: Ten Years After 9/11 in September, 2011.Articles
Exonerating the Innocent: Pretrial Innocence Procedures
Tim Bakken and Lewis M. Steel
Innocence Is Different: Taking Innocence into Account in Reforming Criminal Procedure
D. Michael Risinger and Lesley C. Risinger
Adversarial Inquisitions: Rethinking the Search for the Truth
Keith A. Findley
Convicting Lennie: Mental Retardation, Wrongful Convictions, and the Right to a Fair Trial
John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Susan E. Millor
Pretrial Incentives, Post-Conviction Review, and Sorting Criminal Prosecutions by Guilt or Innocence
Samuel R. Gross
Dallas County Conviction Integrity Unit and the Importance of Getting It Right the First Time
Mike Ware
The Problem of Convicting Innocent Persons: How Often Does It Occur and How Can It Be Prevented?
Leon Friedman
Freeing the Guilty Without Protecting the Innocent: Some Skeptical Observations on Proposed New “Innocence” Procedures
Paul G. Cassell
Reflections: The Trajectory of the Legal Profession in a Post-9/11 World
Joseph W. Armbrust
The Aftermath of 9/11: Reflections of Michael A. Cardozo
Michael A. Cardozo
The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001: Policy and Precedent
Kenneth R. Feinberg
Infringement on Civil Liberties After 9/11
Donna Lieberman
Affiliations: Foreign Law Firms’ Path into India
Christine Garg
Case Comments
Gaylord v. United States
Jeffrey Lawhorn
People v. Harnett
Joanna C. Peck
Bryant v. Media Right Productions, Inc.
Molly Nehring